The Problem

Canada has a "Charity Gap".

A gap between demand for services
and the ability for charities to meet that demand...

And it continues to worsen.

Charities exist, as regulated entities, to help provide social services. They are so crucial to the quality of life in our communities and how we treat those in need. Millions of Canadians depend on charities, along with our animal kingdom, and the environment.

However, charities are struggling and those in need are suffering. We have a growing "Charity Gap" in Canada. This is due in part to (1) greater demand as our population surpasses 40 million, and (2)  declining generosity. (See the research on  

Furthermore, for too long, we have lingering social problems which are not getting resolved voluntarily in our communities.

Just recently (April, 2024), Statistics Canada recognized this problem: "Overall demand for non-profit organizations' services or products outpaces capacity to meet demand."

As we see in the chart, the incidence of Canadians making and claiming a charitable tax credit is fewer than one-in-five, and declining.

  • We cannot put all of this on the shoulders of our governments.  They cannot afford to pay billions more owing to government deficits and significant debt levels.  They can’t simply raise taxes which would make Canada uncompetitive on the global stage.  - Our political ecosystem is not optimized to solve all of this.
  • We need the charity sector to thrive. Generous Canadians (and grant-making foundations + businesses) play an important role in supporting the charitable sector.
  • Improvements are not happening voluntarily. We need to force the solutions which we seek via systemic changes, based in federal policies, regulations, and laws.
  • The good news is we have enough resources in the charity sector, with billions of dollars flowing each year. We just need to make some smarter decisions about how we apply a fraction of the funds to solve the problems.  

This is the focus of GIV3, as one agent-for-change.   

GIV3 Initiatives

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